Cervical osteochondrosis

Pain in the neck in women

Few of today's people heard of osteochondrosis. Most of them already repeatedly experiencing the symptoms of this disease. Widespread diseases associated lengthy sitting at a computer, a passive way of life, improper nutrition and so on Osteochondrosis of the cervical manifested by pain, such as muscle weakness, restriction of motion and a variety of other symptoms.

Not worth it to ignore the symptoms of degenerative disc disease, because the sooner you start treatment, the faster you get rid of the disease. In the initial stages is carried out conservative therapy: intake of medications, physical therapy, physical therapy, massage, and so on In the occurrence of complications and reduction of pain of the cartilage of the patterns is assigned to the operation.

What it is

Osteochondrosis of the neck – it is a pathology which occurs only in humans. The animals from him suffer. This is due to the vertical arrangement of the spine. In this position the vertebrae squeezing the other, which sees to it that the intervertebral disc is gradually collapsing.

The cervical division consists of 7 vertebrae, which are separated by discs. This segment of the spine is agile enough, this is the reason why he is one of the most vulnerable sections of the spinal column. The weakest link in the cervical region is the intervertebral disk, which in the first place manifest degenerative-degenerative changes.

The Prevalence of cervical degenerative disc disease is explained by the still weak muscular actors in the area of the neck. In addition, on this piece of land located vertebrae of a small size, they have a different structure and too close to each other. This is the reason why even a small load on the neck may cause their displacement and also compression of blood vessels and nerve fibers. When the disturbance of the vertebral artery, which is located inside the spine on this section, arise dangerous complications.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (SHOPE) risk projections (the displacement of the nucleus pulposus without damage to the outer shell) and a herniated disc. These formations squeeze the nerve bundles, blood vessels.

Because of the degenerative changes of the intervertebral disc increases the likelihood of developing bony growths (osteophytes) in the places of joints of the vertebrae. For this reason, narrowing of the intervertebral canal and the contract of neuro-vascular formation.

Help. According to medical statistics, from the cervical degenerative disc disease more often suffer from people older than 35 years. Although now there's been a rejuvenation of the pathology that often develops in patients from 20 years. It is associated with a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet.

Doctors have identified 4 stages of pathology:

  • 1 degree – begins to break down cartilage seal between the vertebrae. In this stage of the disease has symptoms cleared. Unfortunately, patients do not perceive.
  • 2 grade – under the pressure of the vertebra height of the disk is reduced, the integrity of its outer shell is disrupted. In this stage may show the extrude. There is pain, limited mobility of the neck, the possible violation of the sensitivity of the face.
  • 3 degree – ejecting change in the hernia, which constricts the blood vessels and muscles. In addition to the pain syndrome is observed pain in the back of the head, dizziness.
  • 4 degree – form osteophytes to stabilize the vertebrae, but a pinch of the nerve fibers. The pain fades, the stiffness of the movements, harmed the adjacent vertebrae, appear the neurological symptoms.

It is important to start treatment at the 1 – 2 phase to avoid serious complications that can be corrected only by surgical method.


Osteochondrosis of the SHOP – it is a complex and long process, which may occur under the influence of many negative factors.

For example, in the elderly the disease is related to aging of the organism. Then degenerative-degenerative changes arise due to violation of local blood circulation, metabolism, weakening of immunity.

However, doctors have identified the main reasons of cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • Bad posture of your body.
  • The curvature of the spinal column.
  • Injury to the cervical segment.
  • The excessive weight.
  • Exhausting physical work.
  • Longer sessions at the computer.
  • A passive lifestyle.
  • Violation of the metabolic processes.
  • Common hypothermia of the neck.
  • Improper organization of the claim on the spot (too soft mattress, high pillow).
  • Frequent stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Congenital pathology of the construction SHOPP.
  • Autoimmune diseases that provoke the deterioration of the cartilage.
  • Infection.
  • The functions of the parts of your body, for example, is very long helena short neck.

Under the influence of these factors start to break down the intervertebral structure of the bone tissue, damaged nerve bundles, blood vessels.


The clinical picture in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (ASAP) is diverse. For this reason, it is patients difficult to understand, what happens to them. The early manifestations of the disease are attributed to overwork. And then, what appear these symptoms, rush to the doctor, however, in this case, permanent changes, which are already present and restore the structure of the neck no longer fail.

Pain in the neck in osteochondrosis

The main symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine:

  • Painful sensations on the plot of the neck, shoulders.
  • The weakening of the muscles around the affected segment of the spine.
  • Excessive secretion of sweat.
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the upper extremities.
  • Disorders of coordination of movements.
  • Cephalalgia (pain in the head).
  • Vertigo (dizziness).
  • Disorders of hearing, vision.
  • Jumps blood pressure, etc.

The character of the headache in osteochondrosis vary: paroxysmal constant, throbbing, dull. This symptom is manifested due to spasm of cerebral vessels, compression of the nerve bundles of the neck, increased intracranial pressure.

In ASAP the pain will always appear on the stretch of the cervical segment, it may spread to the shoulders, the arms. Discomfort may occur after sleep, a sudden movement, the tension of the neck, e.g. when coughing helena sneezing.

In osteochondrosis of the SHOP observed racing pressure depending on time of day, the constant high blood pressure atypical for pathology. Usually during the increase in pressure observed following manifestations: cephalalgia, pain in the hands, numbness these the collar area. Pressure changes are often observed after a nervous helena muscle tension, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.

Syndromes of cervical degenerative disc disease

In ASAP there have been several syndromes (typical conditions that are accompanied by characteristic symptoms). Their manifestation depends on which nerve branches and blood vessels damaged.

Syndromes of cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • Vertebral artery – arises as a result of compression of the helena irritation of the artery that nourishes the brain. Then the patient suffering from disorders of hearing, vision, dizziness, pressure fluctuations, migraines and so on
  • Heart – develops when compression of the nerve bundles that Innervate the diaphragm helena the chest muscle. Then will appear the burning pain in the chest, shortness of breath, weakness, quickens the heartbeat.
  • Hypertension – called compression of the veins, because of what disturbed outflow of blood from the head. Then the increased intracranial pressure, the patient suffering from cephalgia, nausea, vomiting.
  • Neck, migraine – it arises due to compression of the nerves, which surround the vertebral artery. Then appear unbearable migrenepodobna pain in the neck. The seizure lasts about 10 hours and is often accompanied by the eruption faeces of the masses.
  • Root – it is the most common complex of symptoms in ASAP. It is caused by compressing one of the nerve bundles in the vertebrae of the cervical segment. When violations of the conductivity of 1 – 2 of root of the cervical vertebrae is violated sensitivity, helena appears pain in the nape of the neck. Damage 3 pairs of numb tongue, guests behind the ears, a person is difficult to chew food. Inflammation 4 pair of roots is accompanied by pain collarbone, hiccups, modern engineering embarrassment swallowing. If it is broken the conductivity of the 5 – 8 pairs of nerve bundles, then the patient is difficult to move with my hands.
Help. Often, osteochondrosis of the cervical manifest several symptom, then the diagnosis. Therefore, not worth it yourself to understand, it is better to turn to professionals.


If you don't know what to do at occurrence of suspicious symptoms, it is best to immediately consult a therapist. In case of need the doctor to a podiatrist, spine, just a neurologist.

In the diagnostic section to provide the search applies to the following instrumental studies:

  • Radiography.
  • Computer helena magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Electroneuromyography.

All of the above studies provide some information on the cervical region. For example, x-rays, CT, MRI are used for the detection of pathological changes in the structure of the spine. Electromyography allows you to assess the condition of the nerve bundles.

With the help of x-ray, which is performed in different planes, one can determine the concentration of calcium salts, reduction in height of the cartilage pads between the vertebrae, the deformation of the SHOP, the presence of bone growths, etc.


Therapy ASAP must be comprehensive. The decision on the selection of the methods accepts the doctor with regard to phase, form of the disease, the severity of the symptoms.

Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine-long and complicated. Completely cure the pathology unlikely, especially if it is a patient of older age. However, to stop the degenerative-degenerative disorders in the cervical segment is possible at any stage.

In the early stages of the disease apply conservative methods are: medication, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, orthopedic products. Most of the above techniques can be applied in domestic conditions.

On a 3 – 4 stage, which is accompanied by the destruction of not only cartilage, but also the bodies of the vertebrae, may need surgery.

Get rid of pain, inflammation, relax tense muscles, improve the condition of the cartilage will help the following medications:

  • Of the anesthetic. In severe pain you can help yourself by pill metamizol sodium. For the same purpose shall apply to the NSA, which allow to cope not only with the pain and inflammation.
  • Steroids cropped the inflammatory process and painful feelings. For this purpose apply preparations based on hormones in the form of tablets helena ointments.
  • Muscle relaxants help to relax the spasm of the muscles around the damaged land. For this purpose apply solutions for parenteral administration on the basis of benzimidazole. They normalize muscle tone and reduce painful.
  • Antispasmodics help to fight with the pain and muscle spasms.
  • Vitamins accelerate the recovery of the nervous system. For this purpose they take drugs on the basis of elements of groups V, a, S, D, Em effective Enough, vitamin-mineral complexes.
Help. If painful, is very strong, and oral analgesics do not help, then the doctor may prescribe novocaine blockade. Injection with the application of anesthetic helena steroid solutions put directly into a hotbed of pathology. This procedure can only be performed by an experienced specialist.

In the composition of the integrated therapy applying creams, gels, ointments with anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic action.

To facilitate the condition of patients, improve their physical condition, prescribe therapeutic gymnastics. Exercise helps strengthen the muscles around the neck, improve metabolic processes, accelerate blood circulation, relieve pressure on the relaxed spine.

Particularly popular at ASAP gymnastics, usually implementing it in the room with the use of special simulators. However, if you want you can practice at home.

Gymnastics at cervical osteochondrosis

Complex of exercise therapy in cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Smoothly tilt your head to the shoulder, softservices for 30 seconds, then repeat movement in the opposite direction.
  • Tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest, and then lift it up and slightly forward.
  • Put your head back a little, turn to the right, then the left shoulder.
  • Press the right hand the left shoulder, elbow slightly up. Then turn your head to the right, linger, feeling the tension of the muscles.
  • This exercise is carried out as the third, just when turning the head, lifting your hands above your head and stepside them.
  • Hands on knees, breed their side, trying to combine the shoulder blades, at the same time you see the chin up. So you will work, and the thoracic department.
  • Stand up, put your hands, stretch the neck forward, trying to touch the chin to the shoulder.

Before the session you need to do common exercise and take a shower to relax the muscles. After the completion of the complex, perform the stretching.

Treat osteochondrosis of the neck can be by means of physiotherapy:

  • UHF.
  • Laser.
  • Magnetic therapy.
  • Electrophoresis with medicinal remedies, etc.

Magnetic therapy relieves inflammation and pain. UHF and laser treatment speeds up the metabolism of the affected segment, helping to remove swelling. Thanks to the electrophoresis drugs penetrate into the hotbed of inflammation through the skin, where they immediately manifest its effect.

Using massage to normalize muscle tone, accelerates blood flow to the damaged area, improving trofika tissue. After completion of the course, which usually consists of 10 procedures, stop the development of degenerative-degenerative processes in the cervical region of the spine.

In the home can use the tibetan applicator – it's light, made of plastic with a large amount of thorns. On the device it is necessary to go, helena put it to the affected area. The applicator helps to reduce the soreness, relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation, and also physical activity.

Collar Trench shall apply upon the occurrence of the severe pain. This orthopedic match records the neck in the correct position, reduces the load on the vertebra, weakening the pain.

In the complex treatment of the patient can get rid of degenerative disc disease neck forever. However, it is possible, if the disease is detected at stage 1. In other cases, a comprehensive action will help stop the development of pathology.

Chondrosis neck

Many people believe that the chondrosis and osteochondrosis – it is one disorder. However, this view is incorrect. At the first disease gets damaged, only the cartilage of the seal of the vertebrae, and in the second – a degenerative changes relate to the bone tissue. This means that the chondrosis – this is the first stage of degenerative disc disease.

Chondrosis of the cervical develops when they are violated the metabolic processes of the intervertebral disc. Then collagen fibers are replaced by useless fibrous tissue, hyaline cartilage obyzvestvleniya, becomes less elastic. Its height is reduced, thereby is violated the function of the vertebrae.

The causes of chondrosis and degenerative disc disease is no different.

Chondrosis Neck has the following symptoms:

  • Rapid fatigue of the muscles around the SHOPP.
  • Violation possession of your body.
  • Regularly fledgling the discomfort of helena mild pain in the affected section.
  • Limitation of motion of the neck.

Typically, patients do not notice symptoms of chondrosis. Detect the disease at random, during the x-ray helena MRI.


Plan therapy chondrosis neck a little different from the tactics of treatment of degenerative disc disease. At the first disease, doctors prescribe NSAIDS and chondroprotectors. In addition, the patient should avoid excessive physical exertion helena prolonged sitting. It is recommended to perform the therapeutic exercise, eat right, give up bad habits.

Among other methods of treatment include massage, manual therapy. In addition, shows physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis, ultraviolet radiation, amplipulse, diadynamic, balneotherapy, mud treatment. Its effectiveness in the treatment of chondrosis demonstrated acupuncture (acupuncture).


In most cases, patients can get rid of the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease for a while, then the disease returns. Usually this is due to the fact that it is ill late appeals medical help helena does not comply with the recommendations of the doctor during treatment. But there are those who managed to heal ASAP, and more, that are not inconsistent with his symptoms.

"I was diagnosed osteochondrosis of the neck into 2 phases. Doctors have determined the anti-inflammatory pills and injections. After the pain went away, she started on the massage, carried out special exercises, uses a chunk of friends. After the course of treatment I felt significant relief. However after 3 months the pain in the neck again appeared. It is therefore a course had to start all over again".
"I'm no longer living with cervical osteochondrosisom. I regularly visit a chiropractor, which reduce the vertebrae. But most helps me therapeutic physical education. The doctor suggested me some very effective exercises of a special complex, which I try to perform every day. But after I missed a few training sessions, once again the pain comes."
"Cervical osteochondrosis in the early stage, is quite treatable. At me so happened. First, doctors have determined the anti-inflammatory therapy, which is saved from the pain and inflammation. Then treatment is supplemented by gymnastics, massage, acupuncture. In addition, I visited the pool, start taking vitamins, eat right. To forget the pain forever, I had to completely change his life. Without special exercise is not a day goes by, but the plus is that for me nothing hurts, yes, and the physical form has improved. No longer feel pain in the back and began to lead a healthy lifestyle".

The main conclusions of the

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine – it is a treacherous disease, which manifests itself in different symptoms. Not always the patient understands what is actually going on with him. And when they appear more pronounced pain, in a hurry to the doctor, however, this symptom is indicative of the presence of degenerative-degenerative changes in the cervical segment. In such a case, restore the state of the spine will fail. Then carried out the treatment, which helps stop the development of the pathology and avoid the severe consequences. Therapy degenerative disc disease – this is a complex and long process that requires patience, organization. After the removal of the pain and inflammation, the patient should regularly perform physical therapy to attend massage, physiotherapy, the use of orthopedic products, eat right, give up bad habits. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to reasonable physical activity, control weight, monitor the posture of your body. Only in such a case, you manage to stop the pathology and to live a full life.